In New Jersey, people who have an elderly or infirm loved one who cannot live by themselves and need more care than can be provided at home will consider a nursing home. This is a wise step as these facilities are supposed to have trained staff and medical...
Medical Malpractice
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Feds Remove Database on Medical Malpractice From Public Access
On September 1, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services removed public data on medical malpractice across the nation from a department-run website that had been used for years to help keep patients safe. Since the 1990s, researchers, patient-safety...
New Jersey Surgical Centers Fall Short of Federal Safety Standards
A state inspection of New Jersey outpatient surgical centers has revealed troubling deficiencies. Over half of the facilities inspected in 2009 and 2010 did not meet federal safety standards, putting patients at risk of harm from infections and other illnesses...