Savvy Attorneys Who
Put Your Needs First

Poor Security Measures Can Lead To Assaults

A property owner or manager must provide adequate security to ensure the safety of the property’s residents or visitors. If you or a loved one has suffered an assault that could have been prevented by steps taken by the property owner, we encourage you to discuss your situation with an attorney at our firm through a free consultation.

The New York inadequate security lawyers at Albert Buzzetti & Associates have extensive experience guiding clients through the process of a personal injury lawsuit. It is our goal to recover maximum possible compensation for your lost wages, medical bills, physical pain and mental suffering. We will attempt to resolve your claim through negotiations with the liable party’s insurance carrier. If a settlement cannot be reached, we are confident in our ability to effectively represent you in court.

Schedule a free consultation today. Call 201-816-3733 (New Jersey) or 212-564-9009 (New York).

We Handle All Types Of Injuries Related To Inadequate Security

Accidents, injuries and assaults are caused by many situations that could have been corrected by an attentive property owner or manager, including:

  • Inadequate lighting
  • Inadequate surveillance cameras
  • Improperly trained security staff
  • Poorly staffed security teams
  • Poorly maintained landscaping
  • Improperly locking perimeter doors

If you or a loved one was injured in an apartment complex, shopping mall, parking lot or parking garage, it is crucial to contact a skilled attorney at once. You might be entitled to monetary compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. We can examine the facts of your situation and honestly assess your potential for recovery. Schedule a free consultation today.

Let’s Talk About Your Case Today

If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall accident or suffered another type of premises-related injury, contact the law firm of Albert Buzzetti & Associates today for a FREE consultation and review of your rights and options. Our skilled accident lawyers take all premises cases on contingency, so there are no fees until we recover maximum compensation for your injuries.